Looking at an Apartment or Condo? Remember these four tips!

Looking at an Apartment or Condo?  Remember these four tips!

Renting your first apartment, or purchasing your first condo, can be a daunting task. With so many things to worry about and keep track of the experience can seem overwhelming.  Click here to visit our listing of available Apartments and Apartment Condos.  To help you select a good apartment here are 4 things to remember:

1) Don’t go alone

Especially if you are inexperienced at apartment hunting it helps to bring a friend or relative along who has purchased their own place before. Hire a REALTOR® that has experience in buying and selling condos and the intricacies that go with it.

2) Talk to your potential neighbours if you can

If you are seriously considering an apartment or condo try and talk to some of your potential neighbours when viewing the property. Introduce yourself and explain why you are there, then ask them general questions about the building. Is the place in good repair? Do they have any complaints about their neighbours?  What is the social scene like?

3) Go over the paperwork carefully

Your REALTOR will go over all of the details of your offer with you before you sign it.  You will often have a condition of a condominium document review, which will allow the seller some time to obtain all of the documents related to the unit.  You will then be able to examine the documents, and send them for a professional review if you choose.  Some of the bylaws of the Condominium corporation will effect you directly. Can you have pets? What if you have, or decide you want to have, children. Will they be welcome in the building? 

4) Research the neighbourhood

Make sure the neighbourhood is safe, and that you can easily access the services you need. How far away is the grocery store? If you have children, how far away is the nearest school? You should also check the crime rate in your neighbourhood. The Calgary Police Service offers an up to date Crime Map of the city, which shows how many of each crime occurred in each neighbourhood in the last year.

Purchasing your first condo, will be less stressful if you follow these tips. If something ever doesn’t feel right you shouldn’t risk it. The last thing you want to is get stuck with an unit that is not right for you.